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Reason You Should Avoid iOS 8.1.1 Update

2:01 pm 0
Reason You Should Avoid iOS 8.1.1 Update
This page briefly explain few reasons you should avoid update of your iOS 8.1.1 Apple device. Apple have released an update to the iOS 8.1 firmware for all iOS 8 capable devices. The latest iOS 8.1.1 firmware according to Apple fixes bugs and makes older devices more snappier during use.
This of course is a great thing, however, for those willing to keep their jailbreak, there is a drawback when this update is applied as pointed out by seasoned
hacker +MuscleNerd
+MuscleNerd earlier today made a tweet warning jailbreakers to stay away from the new iOS 8.1.1 update if they intend to have a jailbroken Apple Device. From the tweet below, the message is clear and concise.
Therefore, if you still to hold on to your jailbroken iPhone, you are advised to stay away from iOS 8.1.1 update. However, if you don't care for a jailbroken iPhone you can go ahead to upgrade your iPhone to the latest iOS 8.1.1 update. It is usually advised that you upgrade via iTunes instead of OTA updates - something we've too often.

How To Fix iPhone 5S Blue Screen and Reboot Issues

1:53 pm 0
How To Fix iPhone 5S Blue Screen and Reboot Issues
The tutorial will guide you on how to fix iPhone 5s Blue screen and reboot issues. Apple iPhone 5S smartphone is a very good piece of device and there is not doubt about that, one that has won the hearts of many iPhone fans but same can not be said for some people; see my experience below. Recently, my iPhone 5S started showing me blue screen in the middle of playing a game or using an app. After showing this blue screen it will reboot and then come back to normal only to go into blue screen minutes later. This problem started after doing the OTA update to iOS
8.1.2 few days back.
In other to fix this, i decided to reload the iOS 8.1.2 on my iPhone 5S through iTunes. I was successfully able to reload the iOS however the problem persisted. Frustrated with this issue, i started doing some digging until I came a cross a permanent fix which I shall write down in the next paragraph.
How To Fix The iPhone 5S Blue Screen and Constant Rebooting

To fix this problem, please follow the procedures below.
  • Connect your iPhone 5S to your computer and launch iTune.
  •  Download your iPhone 5S firmware from here; choose the firmware that applies to you. 
  • Switch off your device completely by pressing the top bower button and swiping from left to right.
  • Put the device in DFU mode. To do this, press the top power button + the home key button simultaneously for 10 secs, release the power button but keep holding the home button for another 15secs. Once the phone is in DFU mode, iTunes will notify you that your phone was detected in recovery mode.
Note: You can always exit out of DFU mode anytime you like by holding power button + the home key button simultaneously for 10 secs and then release.
  • Once your iPhone 5S is in recovery mode, just click on OK from the dialogue box and then hold down the Shift Key button on your keyboard and then click the Restore iPhone button on iTunes. 
  • A box will open up, select the iPhone 5S firmware you downloaded and let iTunes begin restoring your phone.
  •  Once restoring is done, you can reload your saved data back and your iPhone 5S should behave properly without the Blue Screen issue popping up ever again.
If this guide worked for you, please drop your comments and if you have any problems, put them in the comment section and we shall help fixing it for you.

How To Manage Smartphone Phone Addiction

12:14 pm 0
How To Manage Smartphone Phone Addiction
Are you a phone freak and an addict at that? This guide will lecture you on how to manage smartphone addictions. You might not exactly know that you spend most of the 24hours in a day making use of your smartphone until you start monitoring your phone usage habit by finding out how much time you really spend daily, weekly and monthly bases visiting your phone.

I can categorically tell you that you might even end up in shock knowing that you spend more hours playing around your phone than doing other important things in life. Phone addiction has become a pandemic in our society today especially amongst the youth and have ended up causing more harms than good especially after spending those hours daily on your phone without it yielding some cash for daily upkeep.

It has resulted in poor academic performance, promoted moral decadence and have eaten up the minds of our youth in a dangerous dimension. But today, I want to offer avenue that can help you curb your smartphone addiction. If you are ready to put a check to your phone addiction, then we are going to be introducing you to this wonderfully developed and fun to use android app simply known as Quality Time.

With Quality Time app, you can easily checkmate your phone usage excesses; by getting a real time report on how much time you spend daily, weekly and monthly using your smartphone, and you can decide to narrow it down to time you spend on each and every apps on your device. Not only that it shows you report of your phone addiction moments, it also gives you the total control to finally put to halt those excesses by offering actionable features that notifies you on over usage and also presents decent ways of keeping you totally off your phone at the right time.


How To Build Your Own Complete Stock AOSP ROM

3:48 am 0
How To Build Your Own Complete Stock AOSP ROM
This guide will teach you how to build your own complete stock AOSP ROM. Before we begin, I want to say that, this is information derived from various sources, the most predominant being start [CVPCS Android Wiki] and Get Android Source Code Android Open Source. The only thing i contributed to this guide was that i condensed it a bit and customized it specifically for the incredible, although the only thing that differs from the incredible to other devices it the vendor setup.

WARNING: This is NOT FOR NOOBS. If you haven`t had much experience with working with the Android System, you should not even think about using this guide.

This is a guide for building AOSP on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04). If you have Mac, I cant help you much. If you have Windows, I strongly recommend that if you haven't already done so, download Ubuntu onto a CDROM and run wubi.exe to trial Ubuntu.

Ok, so now that all that stuff is over, heres your guide:
First, we want to install java5. Java6, the newest java is NOT supported due to @Override incompatibilities
Code: sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg sun-java5-jdk flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev

You might also want Valgrind, a tool that will help you find memory leaks, stack corruption, array bounds overflows, etc.
Code: sudo apt-get install valgrind

Set the system to use the right version of java by default:

Code: sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun
Now to install the repo

Code: cd ~/

mkdir bin

echo $PATH

Download the postscript and make sure it is executable:

Code: curl >~/bin/repo chmod

a+x ~/bin/repo

Create an empty directory to hold your working files:

Code: mkdir mydroid
cd mydroid

Run "repo init" to bring down the latest version of Repo with all its most recent bug fixes. You must specify a URL for the manifest:

Code: repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
When prompted, configure Repo with your real name and email address. If you plan to submit code, use an email address that is associated with a Google account .
A successful initialization will end with a message such as repo initialized in /mydroid

Now to download all the files you need.

To pull down files to your working directory from the repositories as specified in the default manifest, run

Code: repo sync

NOTE: The repo sync does tend to take a little long, after all it is 2.1 gigs of files

Now to verify the git tags. Doing this wont affect the build, but it doesn`t hurt.
In your command prompt, type:
Code: gpg --import

and paste these LONG key below into the empty space:



Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)



8tR1cXb197Ob8kOfQB3A9yk2XZ4ei4ZC3i6wVdqHLRxABdncwu 5hOF9KXwCgkxMD

u4PVgChaAJzTYJ1EG+UYBIUEAJmfearb0qRAN7dEoff0FeXsEa UA6U90sEoVks0Z

wNj96SA8BL+a1OoEUUfpMhiHyLuQSftxisJxTh+2QclzDviDya TrkANjdYY7p2cq

/HMdOY7LJlHaqtXmZxXjjtw5Uc2QG8UY8aziU3IE9nTjSwCXeJn uyvoizl9/I1S5



b/aF/ygcR8mh5hgUfpF9IpXdknOsbKCvM9lSSfRciETykZc4wrRCVGh lIEFuZHJv

aWQgT3BlbiBTb3VyY2UgUHJvamVjdCA8aW5pdGlhbC1jb250cm lidXRpb25AYW5k


gAAKCRDorT+BmrEOeNr+AJ42Xy6tEW7r3KzrJxnRX8mij9z8tg CdFfQYiHpYngkI





LWBGWE0znfRrnczI5p49i2YZJAjyX1P2WzmScK49CV82dzLo71 MnrF6fj+Udtb5+


pK+KMs/s3r6nJrnYLTfdZhtmQXimpoDMJg1zxmL8UfNUKiQZ6esoAWtDg pqt7Y7s


N8bTyOJo856qg4oOEzKG9eeF7oaZTYBy33BTL0408sEBxiMior 6b8LrZrAhkqDjA

vUXRwm/fFKgpsOysxC6xi553CxBUCH2omNV6Ka1LNMwzSp9ILz8jEGqmU tkBszwo



EXzeoxcdoafxqf6gZlJZlACgkWF7wi2YLW3Oa+jv2QSTlrx4KL M=



And press ctrl d to exit the gpg mode and verify the git tags.

Now to setup the vendor overlay:


cd ~/mydroid/system/device

cd htc

mkdir inc

cd inc

git clone inc

Code: cd ~/android/system/device/htc/inc


NOTE: ADB Must be in your path. You also have to edit the so that it reads ./adb pull and not adb pull (add nix boxes)

Now to build the build:
Code: cd ~/mydroid/system

. build/

lunch generic_inc-userdebug

make -j`grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l` otapackage
Ok, lets say you get an error. most likely its librpc. What you have to do is

Code: make clean
make librpc 
Also, you may have to edit some files, add in some proprietaries, so watch those errors carefully! (also, you may get an error about recovery not being made...all you have to do is replace the word "mahimahi" in the file to "inc")

If the build fails because of java, enter this:
export $PATH

Adding SU:
This is a bit of a workaround for now, but this is how i did it: 

  1. Drag and drop superuser.apk from an existing ROM and prop it into system/app of your AOSP ROM
  2. DRag and drop the su binary from an existing ROM and drop it into your AOSP ROM (in system/bin)

Disabling Recovery:
go to the root of the ROM (in the part where it says "system, Boot.img, META-Inf, recovery-prerec") and delete meta-inf, recovery-prerec. Add in the Meta-INF from HERE, and boom, an AOSP ROM with root is born!

How To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 8.3 The Easiest Way

3:29 am 0
How To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 8.3 The Easiest Way
This page will equipped you with the required skills on how to untethered jailbreak iOS 8.3 with the best and most easiest way ever. When it comes to jailbreaking the iPhone, multiple opinions exist but one thing is sure, there are quite a few amount of people who agree that jailbreaking an iPhone or Apple device is a great thing and the news of jailbreak for any latest Apple firmware is a welcomed news. For these groups of people, it will be pleasing to know that there is now an untethered jailbreak for iPhones and iPads running iOS 8.3. This jailbreak was released by the TaiG team as an update to their already released TaiG jailbreak tool. This tool is only available for Windows PCs and would jailbreak any iPhone or iPad running iOS 8.1.3 to 8.3, Mac users will have to use a Windows Emulator or VM in other to use the jailbreak tool.

To jailbreak your iPad or iPhone running iOS 8.1.3 - 8.3 all you have to do is follow the instructions below.
  • Backup your device using iCloud or on your computer. 
  • If you updated your iPhone using OTA method, it is advised that you reload your phone using iTunes and disable pass code, Touch ID, and Find my iPhone temporarily until after the jailbreak process.
  • Disable any Antivirus programs or firewall temporarily so as to allow TaiG jailbreak tool to connect to the Internet.
  •  Download the TaiG Jailbreak Tool v2.0 here and launch it as Administrator (right click the app and select "Run as Administrator" option) 
  • Once the TaiG app detects your device, deselect the 3K Assistant 2.3.0, that's TaiG App Store), just right below Cydia 1.1.16.
  • Click on the green start button to proceed. If the process gets stuck at 30%, don't worry, wait for 20-30 minutes for the process to progress, especially if you're using a virtual machine. 
  • After the process is complete, your device will reboot automatically and you should see the Cydia icon on the Home screen and the tool will tell you that the jailbreak was successful. 
  • Re-enable your passcode, Touch IF and Find my iPhone on your device and also turn on the antivirus and firewall settings you might have disabled.

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